This product information is specially compiled for the agent BK519. The use of BK519 in combination with cyanide can improve the recovery rate of gold and silver and greatly reduce the amount of cyanide in the leaching process of gold and silver ore.
In the electrochemical corrosion and dissolution of gold, the surface of the gold electrode adsorbs cyanide ions to dissolve, but the surface of the gold electrode also adsorbs copper cyanide complexes and ferricyanide complexes, forming a cured film on the surface, which affects the leaching of gold. In order to improve the leaching effect, it is often necessary to increase the concentration of cyanide to enhance the adsorption efficiency of cyanide ions, but an excessively high concentration of cyanide will also lead to an excessively high total cyanide content in the system, resulting in more serious environmental problems.
BK519 can react with base metal cyanide complexes to form products with low electronegativity, and reduce the adsorption competition effect of base metal element cyanide complexes on the electrochemical corrosion and dissolution of gold. Therefore, BK519 can reach the leaching target at lower cyanide concentration, thus greatly reducing the consumption of cyanide.
BK519 is suitable for enhanced cyanidation leaching of gold ore cyanidation leaching processes such as full peat slurry, full mud leaching resin adsorption, heap leaching, full mud leaching-zinc powder replacement, etc., to reduce the amount of cyanide and improve the recovery rate of gold and silver. For the whole peat slurry and heap leaching process, after using BK519, the amount of cyanide can be reduced by 60%, the total cyanide content in the system is greatly reduced, and the total cyanide content in tailings meets the "Technical Specification for Cyanide Residue Pollution Control in Gold Industry" in most countries. Usually, the limit value of tailings pond disposal pollution control is 5mg/L. For the full-slime cyanide zinc powder replacement process of gold concentrate, BK519 can reduce the amount of cyanide by 40%, and the leaching rate is higher than the original process conditions.
Use Instructions
l Prepare 10% mass concentration aqueous solution and add it.
l Since the nature, grade, pH, and harmful element of the ore will affect the dosage, it is recommended to conduct a laboratory test and then refer to its optimal conditions. For the whole peat slurry process, the dosage of reagents per unit of ore is 50g~200g/t; for the heap leaching process, the dosage of reagents per unit of ore is 20g~100g/t. For flotation gold concentrate, the reagent dosage per unit of ore is 1000g~2000g/t.
l The pH range of the pulp is pH 10-12.
l The reagent effect is not necessarily excellent with excessive dosage. A systematic comparison experiment is required to be carried out before application.
BK519 Advantages
l BK519 can greatly reduce the amount of sodium cyanide to 40~50%, which greatly reduces the cost of reagents.
l The amount of sodium cyanide is reduced, so that the tailings meet environmental protection standards. Reduce the cost of environmental protection treatment of tailings.
l The recovery rate of gold is increased by more than 1%, and the recovery rate of silver is increased by more than 30%. Improve economic efficiency.
l Shorten the leaching time and double the leaching efficiency. It is equivalent to doubling the production capacity without adding equipment.
l It is widely used in primary ore, oxidized ore and mixed ore. Gold concentrate index improved significantly.
Process Control During Testing
l In small-scale industrial experiments, the dosage and leaching time of BK519 need to be controlled.
l During the test, a detailed comparative test should be done a comparative test of different dosages of BK519 under different cyanide concentrations to investigate the cyanide reduction
l level that BK519 can achieve and the ability to improve the leaching rate.